Our board-certified orthopedic elbow surgeons have extensive experience in every option for operative and non-operative care to identify the best treatment options for you.
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Why won’t my elbow go fully straight?
Arthritis of the elbow results in bone spurs that prevent the elbow from moving freely.
Why does it hurt on the outside of my elbow?
Lateral elbow pain (tennis elbow) is a common cause of pain on the outside of the elbow, usually the result of relative overuse without adequate rest.
Why does it hurt on the inside of my elbow?
Medial elbow pain (golfer’s elbow) is a common cause of pain on the inside of the elbow, usually the result of relative overuse without adequate rest.
I felt a “pop” in my elbow and now I have a “popeye” muscle!
Bicep tendon tears at the elbow may result in a cosmetic “popeye” deformity, as well as pain and weakness. There is usually a short period of time during which they are repairable.
Why do I have a “water-balloon” attached to the back of my elbow?
Bursitis is a common condition in which fluid accumulates in a bursa directly over the back of the elbow.
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Meet with an expert Orthopedic Surgeon on your first visit! Start getting better right away with an accurate diagnosis and a treatment plan tailored to your needs.
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Surgery, when needed, costs significantly less at our AAAHC-approved surgical facilities compared to the hospital. Surveys show it’s safer too, with less risk of Hospital Acquired Infections.
Patient Success Stories
Dan V. – Elbow Surgery
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Contact us to set up an appointment with our surgeons to identify the problem and the best solution for you.
Treatment Options
The elbow is a hinge joint, but often dysfunction in other parts of the limb show up as trouble with the elbow – conditions like medial and lateral epicondylitis (golfer’s and tennis elbow) are often clues to problems elsewhere. Other problems include trauma (elbow fracture or dislocation), arthritis, overuse injuries, cysts, growths, and bursitis.
The elbow has a unique tendency to develop stiffness after an injury. Careful rehabilitation is critical to achieve the best outcome. When problems do arise, the orthopedic surgeons at Edmonds Orthopedic Center are prepared with the latest advances in arthroscopic techniques, open elbow surgery, and elbow replacement to help you on your road to recovery.