First Appointment
At Edmonds Orthopedic Center
Day Before Appointment
Your doctor at Edmonds Orthopedic Center is looking forward to seeing you tomorrow and we just wanted to check-in with a few quick reminders so you can have the best experience.
Please complete the check-in process using Phressia, if you haven’t already. If you have not, you will continue to get reminders
Your Appointment Time
We respect your time and do our best to stay on schedule. The front desk will try to keep you informed but it can be difficult to predict because they are not in the exam room with us. If we are running behind, it is because someone needed the time, and if that next someone is you—you will also get the time you need to make sure you understand your diagnosis and our treatment options. And know we wont cut your appointment short to catch up. The person before you appreciates the extra time just as much as you would and we will make sure to give you the time you need and deserve.
COVID-19 Protocols
Rest assured we have done all that we can make your visit as safe as possible so you can get the care you need. You will receive, separately, information about our latest COVID protocols.
Other Suggestions
Finally, relax and have a good night. Some conditions and their treatment are straightforward, and we can get to an answer quickly, other things take more time. Regardless of the time it takes, we look forward to seeing you tomorrow and helping you to understand what is concerning you and what we can about it.
To have the best experience while waiting, please be prepared with something to do so you can make productive use of any time you may have available and remember not to schedule anything too close after your appointment.